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Gabalfa Primary School home page

Ysgol GynraddGABALFAPrimary School

Special days

Family Fun Picnic


On Tuesday, 16th July, we will hold our annual Family Fun Picnic.  Fingers crossed the weather will be good and we can enjoy a range of fun activities, including the Fun Fair, Hotdogs, Donuts, Karaoke, and stalls.


We are busy collecting raffle prizes, so if you can help, please drop off items at the main office.


We would also welcome some help to run the activities - Can you spare some time from 3pm on this day?






On Friday, 12th April we will celebrate World Book Day 2024  


To keep costs down, children don’t have to dress up but come to school in comfy clothing to enjoy lots of cosy story-telling and reading sessions.


We have arranged for a Book Fair to be in school on Thursday, 11th April and Friday, 12th April.  Pop along to buy a new book for your child.  For every 2 books that you buy, the school gets one free smiley




Express Yourself day - Friday, 26th April 2024


Our Attendance and Healthy Heroes groups have joined together to raise money for the school.


On Friday, 26th April, they invite children to pay £1 to wear any clothing/ hairstyle, etc that expresses who they are. 


They might like to wear their favourite football team strip, or wear clothes in their favourite colour. They might like to style their hair in a funky way, or dress as what they aspire to be in the future.  All we ask is that their clothing is appropriate for school and for the weather on that day.