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Ysgol GynraddGABALFAPrimary School

Additional Learning Needs

UNCRC: Parents: Additional Learning Needs

Article 2 (non-discrimination) The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, sex, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.

This is a very exciting time as we undertake the national Additional Learning Needs (ALN) transformation. The Welsh Government reviewed systems around ALN and the mandatory phase will roll out over 3 years from September 2021 until September 2024.


The new ALN Code is in place. The ALNET Act is live.


A pupil has ALN if they have a learning difficulty or disability requiring additional learning provision (ALP). 


Less than expected progress is defined in the ALN Code as:

  • Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
  • Fails to match or better the child’s or young person’s previous rate of progress
  • Fails to close or widens the attainment gap between the child and their peers despite provision aimed at closing that gap.


The new broad areas of ALN are:

  • Cognition and learning
  • Behaviour, emotional and social development
  • Sensory and/or physical
  • Communication and interaction


In line with WG, regional and LA advice and guidance about the ALNET Act and new ALN Code, if a concern is raised, a 35 day process (assessment and data gathering and meetings) will be undertaken to determine if a pupil has ALN requiring ALP and thus an IDP.


As part of this a Person Centred Meeting is held using six questions to celebrate the pupil and to plan support for them:

1. What we like and admire about X

2. What is important to X

3. What’s working well?

4. What’s not working well?

5. What is important for X?

6. What Additional Learning Provision (ALP) is needed for X?


At the Person Centred meeting we will also consider :

  • Any other relevant factors such as transition or changes at home or emerging needs with ongoing assessments.
  • What actions are required by all involved before drafting an IDP or planning to meet the needs of a pupil with universal good practice
  • Parents /carers and pupil will be part of this and will be kept fully informed


In Gabalfa Primary School we use Person Centred Practice in review meetings. We have transferred all Statements over to Individual Development Plans. One Page Profiles share what we like and admire about pupils and what is going well and describe ways we can support their ALN with additional learning provision (ALP).Staff have had regional and LA training opportunities.


We believe in early identification of barriers to learning and interventions. We plan for transitions. We collaborate with others to enable pupils with ALN to thrive. We promote inclusive, accessible learning environments to meet the diverse needs of our pupils. Many pupils have English as an additional language and we celebrate this.


Most pupil’s needs can be met by provision and resources in school that are ordinarily available. This may include completing work set at their level - differentiation, using resources available to support their learning e.g. scaffolds, planners, physical resources or receiving additional support through an intervention such as Wellcomm, Language Links, Rapid Readers, Precision Teaching etc. to boost their progress in an area of weakness.


Our school ELSA supports the emotional wellbeing of pupils with individual sessions, THRIVE, Lego and social stories. Place to Be staff offer play sessions and Place to Talk. We work alongside LA specialist teams, the Educational Psychology Service, Outreach and health.


We look forward to supporting pupils with ALN again this year and encourage you to contact us if you want to discuss how we support your child to achieve their very best.


Our ALNCo is Miss A. Harding.  She can be contacted via the school office on 029 2062 4615, or via email


Child/young person and Parent/carer information from Cardiff LA

Policies related to ALN

We are pleased to have received our Dyslexia Bronze Award. We strive to offer dyslexia friendly teaching and learning opportunities

Other useful information