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Gabalfa Primary School home page

Ysgol GynraddGABALFAPrimary School

Helyg (Willow)

Croeso i Ddosbarth Helyg.

Welcome to Dosbarth Helyg.



We are an amazing class of 24 pupils!.

Mrs Pain and Mrs Wynne-Williams are our teachers.

Mrs Driscoll and Miss Murphy are our Teaching Assistants. 


Our topic this term is 'Splendid Skies'.




Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please make sure your child has appropriate PE kit for the weather. Don't forget that PE kit has to be worn to school! 


Reading books and/or spelling words go home on a Friday and are to be returned every Tuesday.


If you need to speak to Mrs Pain or Mrs Wynne-Williams, please contact school via the school office or email. 






Exploring frost!

Curriculum News Spring Term







Curriculum News Autumn Term

















Fun last year!


Curriculum News Spring 2024

Sharing our learning with our families at our Woodland Tea Party!

Curriculum News Autumn 2023