Llwyfen (Elm)
Croeso i Ddosbarth Llwyfen 2024-25
Welcome to Dosbarth Llwyfen
Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.
We are a class of AMAZING Year 6s. Our teachers are Mrs Rees, Ms Harding and Miss Dando. Let's have some fun!
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday. Pupils need to wear P.E. clothing to school on these days.
Happy New Year
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Our context for learning this term is 'Frozen Kingdoms'.
What can we do to slow down global warming so that the World is safe for future generations to enjoy?
A Child's War - end of context celebration
Autumn 1 Attendance Winners - Llongyfarchiadau
Attendance Winners!!!
I enjoyed having ice cream because I got to spend time outside with my friends and had fun. - Seren Shaw
Dw i'n hoffi ice cream achos it was delicious even though it was cold outside. - George Parris
I enjoyed eating ice cream and I liked to talk to my friends. - Milad Yousefi
I enjoyed having some free time with my friends as a reward for having the best attendance. - Skyla Hembury
We all worked together and it was really fun to choose our own reward. - Poppy Hurley
You should come to school everyday to learn more and discover new things. When Year 6 heard there would be a prize for the best attendance, we got competitive. We hope we will win this half term and we already have ideas for our reward. We can do this! - Marwan Mohamed
Climate Fresk Workshop - How can we adapt to our changing climate?
Financial Literacy - Learning about taxes from the HMRC team
Fantasy Ball
Formula 1 in schools - Race Car engineers of the future
Mental Health Day #Hello Yellow
TECHNOCAMPS - Lego Spike - Programmers of the Future
STEM Workshop Racing Cars
Techniquest Trip
Brecon Regimental Museum
Meeting Mrs Howard (WW2 evacuee)
Dwr Cymru Workshop
We have been learning to sew as part of Make Do and Mend
Our context for learning this term is 'A Child's War'.
How did the Second World War affect wales?
What was the impact of evacuation on children and their families?
Last years's fun 2023-2024
Weekly Wonders 19.07.24 (My Last Wonder.)
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
July 15th
Last week equals a busy week. Our class has been sorting out our trays and tore down our old displays ready for next year. Everybody had a job from the teachers to help them. The Year 6s also had a disco straight after school! And I admit, everyone had dazzling outfits.
July 16th
Right after school, we had a fun fair! There were many bouncy castles and a few rides. We also had a tombola, food sections and I’m sure I saw a karaoke machine! The bouncy slide was probably my favourite thing there, then of course, the food.
July 18th
It was the year 6s Leavers assembly today. I’m pretty sure everybody was nervous! There were many laughs and tears during the entire thing, but I think the photos from when we were little really affected everyone, including me. Knowing that we only have a day left before parting hurts, but it’s time to let go of the past and take the route to success in our future. :)
MY LAST WONDER: who will take my role?
Weekly Wonders 12.07.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
July 8th
The year 6s performed their Leavers assembly in front of the year 4 and 5 for the first time! The first part of the assembly was a little quiet according to the year 5s, but as it went on, everyone felt less nervous. We weren’t expecting to see the year 4 and 5 and them watching us, so it built up slight anxiety.
July 11th
The year 6s have left Gabalfa to go to their Induction day! Everyone was feeling nervous about their lessons and their form classes, some people didn’t have their friends in the same class. But it was okay though, they had a few people they recognised in their class.
July 12th
Today, for the year 6s, we all went to Jump! Because we only have a week left until we leave primary for good, our teachers set up fun activities for our last week.
Weekly Wonders 28.06.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
June 24th
On Monday the year 6s started to rehearse their Leavers assembly with the help of Mrs. Sandford. We practised with small groups at a time, also practising songs, too.
June 27th
While we were working, we had a visit from the PCSO (police community support officer) introducing themselves. In the afternoon, the year 6s had an online workshop with Whitchurch High school for a DIRT session (directed improvement and reflection time). We spoke about values in ourselves and which value we found important. The next task was talking about our role models and listing why they were important to us.
Weekly Wonders 21.06.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
June 17th
This week each class has their sports day. In the morning or the afternoon. Year five has started a new topic which is the ‘Olympics’ and Year six started a presentation about two religions to share information about all sorts of religions and what people do!
June 20th
Year six had to write about their favourite memories throughout their entire time at Gabalfa! Obviously not all of them, that would be too long, but their most special and cherishable moments. We were allowed to draw illustrations of what happened in the memory, too!
June 21st
Today is the Year five and six Sports Day! The Year 5s had theirs in the morning and the Year 6s in the afternoon. Many people showed up to watch us which was even more motivating. It felt like we had to prove that our teams can be the best and we all did!
Weekly Wonders 14.06.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
June 10th
This week is our Fun and Fitness week. Unfortunately, we were going to play Squash but it did not happen because of a mini problem… but it was okay! Our teacher treated us to a game of dodgeball where everyone could have fun and explore games!
June 12th
We had a visit from a drama team where they played games about nature! Firstly, we watched a short video about nature and sharing with others, right after that, we had a sheet of paper and had a treasure hunt. We had to find anything outside with the same adjective. E.g. hard: concrete.
June 13th
We visited the Gabalfa Youth Club to see the community art that people made from different schools. Other schools also visited the Youth Club and it was pretty packed but despite that, the inside was really comfy and had anything we could practically want! (I think the boys liked the tech more than anything!)
Please look at all the photos from Fun and Fitness Week:
Day 1- Dodgeball (Miss Harding)
Day 2- Tae Kwon Do (Miss Harding)
Day 3- Forces Fitness (Miss Harding)
Day 4- Table Tennis (Mrs Rees)
Day 5 - Cricket (Mrs Rees)
Day 1 - Dodgeball - Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!
Day 2 - Tae Kwon Do
Day 3 - Forces Fitness
Girl's Football Tournament (CHAMPIONS!)
Members of our Year 6 football team competed (and won) at a football tournament at Cardiff International House of Sport! Da iawn merched!
Weekly Wonders 07.06.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
June 3rd
First day back to school with the year 5s going to swimming classes! After lunch, the year 5s set off to a swimming trip for the curriculum and return within school hours. So far they're loving it! It goes on for two weeks full of practice and fun!
June 4th
The year 6s had a Baseball tournament at 9 o’clock in the morning to compete against other schools! There were around eight schools in total with many to compete against. It was incredibly fun because every twenty minutes we moved to a different station and played against each school or even teamed up with one!
June 4th
We began to learn our Year 6 assembly songs and plan each year’s Sports Day! We have different groups working at each activity and planning out what we’re going to do and how we’re going to do it. No spoilers! You can wait for next week!
PLAY BALL 2024 - Year 6 Baseball
Weekly Wonders 24.05.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
May 20th
This week we had a new member join our class! Our job is to make them feel welcome to our class and I think we’ve done a good job at that! They’re slowly adjusting to the new environment and to our school, I just know everything will go well!
May 22nd
We have been researching facts about which famous Victorian people had the biggest impact on children’s lives today. We had to research social reformers, philanthropists and inventors, then write speeches as if we were them and present it to the whole class. Some of ours took a whole page full!
Weekly Wonders 17.05.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
May 13th
This week year 5 and 6 have started our personalised assessments. We’re all nervous of our progress and wondering if we got answers wrong, but I guarantee all of us got some right!
We also started the movie ‘Oliver!’ after reading the book. It was like a small cinema in our class! It was a musical and I enjoyed most of the songs, especially ‘PIck a Pocket or Two’! It had many parts of it where it was funny and caused all of us to giggle.
May 14th
Today we finished ‘Oliver!’. It was a little funny but Bill Sykes did freak me out a little, like when he was stuck with the rope around his waist, but other parts were just hilarious! Like when Oliver slaps Sykes. I really enjoyed the part where Oliver was taken into Mr. Brownlow’s apartment. He was sort of at peace during that scene, everything was clean and quiet, no angry adults that’s for sure!
May 16th
The year 5s went on a rugby trip to Whitchurch High School and played some games while the year 6s were learning about bacteria and diseases from scientist Dr. Lana Evans (a former pupil’s mum). Both were pretty awesome! The year 5s returned at lunchtime and from what I heard, some children tripped and got hurt… not that great, but that’s rugby! Overall, they said they’d go again.
Weekly Wonders 10.05.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
8th May
In Mr. Knights MEG group, we are almost done with the Oliver Twist book! Around 2 more chapters until the end and I’m full of exuberance. We also played Kahoot related to Oliver Twist, and our class were on our toes for the winner reveal!
9th May
We had to draw graphs for Victorian crimes on paper! It was a bar chart of how crimes rose over the years, from 1800 to 1840. The highest amount of crimes committed was 20,000 and the lowest was 5000. Also, next week we have upcoming assessments to do with maths and English so some of us have been practising for the tests. I’m quite anxious.
Weekly Wonders 03.05.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
NOTE: Please continue planning activities like this, I hope you can hear my excitement through my words as I write about each experience. These fun tasks made me want to stay in school a little longer (which is honestly surprising).
May 1st
Best show ever! Our teachers booked a visit from the M&M (No, not the sweets) to act out some parts of Oliver Twist and my, I thank my teachers so much! Words cannot explain how perfectly smooth their acting was, it was astonishing how they changed each scene and outfits so quickly, and how they remembered each line! The outfits were gloriously designed and the show was a little interactive. Apparently, it took them 2 weeks to rehearse, they must’ve been exhausted. The practice was worth it, though, I most definitely wish to see it again!
May 2nd
Another Victorian activity, in fact, it was a Victorian day! We had a whole day where year 5 and 6 experienced what it was like in Victorian schools. Our tables were in rows and we had a small blackboard and ink pens to answer questions and do a handwriting exercise. Our teacher showed us different types of punishments and as roleplay, some children got caned! (No children harmed!)
In the afternoon, we had different stations of Victorian toys and I won't lie, it was pretty cool. We got to do scrapbooking and make our own UK flags for the end of our day when we sung the national anthem. I was a little sad when we had to pack everything away, but this week is by far the best week learning about this topic!
Oliver theatre visit!
Dosbarth Llwyfen and Collen had a brilliant morning watching the book we’ve been studying in Literacy,Oliver Twist, come to life. It was a wonderful show full of laughter, drama and singing.
Curriculum News Summer 24
Weekly Wonders 26.04.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
April 22nd
Year 5 and 6 walked to Insole Court for a class trip and were greeted by our past teacher, Mrs. Sandford. Both classes were split and had different activities, our class toured around the building and learned who James Harvey Insole was, what he did, and his story. The second activity was an outdoor learning treasure hunt, we had to find different things that Mr. Insole owned around the luxurious grounds.
On the same day, our baseball teams (Legends and Warriors) played against another school called Howells. Our school won by 5 runs. We scored 13 and Howells scored 8. This was the first tournament against two primary schools in Wales. In the future, we wish to compete against other schools and have fun.
April 26th
Express Yourself day is finally here! Everyone wore all sorts of outfits that showed their interests, hobbies, or a favourite colour or song. Many people were creative with their clothing and it was pretty easy to tell what they were trying to express, it was fascinating to see everyone's different likes.
Under 11's Softball match against Howells - Congratulations on your win! Great sportsmanship, teamwork and determination.
Insole Court - Who lives in a house like this?
Weekly Wonders 19.04.24
Journalists: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen) and Lois (Dosbarth Collen)
April 15th
Year 5 and 6 have started the book ‘Oliver Twist’ for our context ‘Children of the Revolution’. The book is quite interesting to read but also a little sad as life was hard. I’m much happier that I wasn’t born during the Victorian times, it sounds awful!
April 16th
Some of the children went to Glamorgan Cricket Grounds (Sophia Gardens) to play in a tournament for the Jo Cox Foundation trophy. They tried their best and had lots of fun. Unfortunately, they didn't get through to the final but they were glad to mix with other schools and were honoured to be invited. The children completed artwork and posters, to display in the museum and had a presentation in front of many VIP’s including members of the Jo Cox Foundation and representatives from local community organisations. We hope to continue our partnership with Glamorgan Cricket and participate in future events with them.
April 18th
We had a lifesaving workshop and learned how to take care of a cut, burn, or help somebody. First, we were taught about how we should deal with a little cut, it was pretty simple actually, and didn't seem as complicated as I thought it would be. Same with the burn, pretty simple. Next we had to do thirty chest compressions on a dummy and had to keep rhythm, this lesson was so fun!
Later on in the day, we had another workshop, but this time it was signing! We learned how to sign colours, some countries, and words, too. We found out that if the signs include thumbs, it’s positive, but if it includes the pinky, it’s negative. This made signing a lot easier!
Weekly Wonders 12.04.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
April 8th
We started the day with a Food Recycling Workshop by Dŵr Cymru. We learned the importance of putting our waste in the correct bin so it doesn’t harm the environment. We have interesting photos below of the activities.
First week back in school with a new context, “Children of the Revolution.” We've started a splash page on our topic that will soon be filled with facts and knowledge in the future and researched facts about Queen Victoria. She had been crowned at eighteen and was the Empress of India, how cool is that?!
Wednesday 10th
Eid Mubarak to everyone! Congratulations to everyone who fasted for the entire month. It was lovely to hear all their stories about what they have done to celebrate Eid.
Thursday 11th
We had a visit from the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) who taught us how to stay safe when we are in the sea and what to do if we are pulled away by rip tides. We also learned how to recognise lifeguards by their uniforms if we need help. Scroll down to see photos of the session.
April 12th
For World Book Day we get to dress up in pyjamas or comfy clothes to keep the costs down. Instead of buying costumes, everyone had awesome pyjamas and amazing outfits, they sure looked comfy!
Jo Cox Foundation Cricket Tournament
Selected members of Dosbarth Collen and Llwyfen competed at the inaugural Jo Cox Foundation cricket tournament at Sophia Garden’s we had an amazing time showing off our cricket skills!
RNLI - Saving Lives at Sea
Food Recycling Workshop with Dwr Cymru
Baseball Supersession with Coach Holls and Coach Leroy
Weekly Wonders 22.03.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
March 18th
On Monday some of our year 6s went to Storey Arms for three days. Storey Arms is an outdoor experience for children to do some exciting activities. Some of the challenges sound a bit tricky from the last year 6s, I hope that everyone that went this year has it easy! We’re eagerly awaiting the photos from Mrs. Dawe and Mr. Knight!
March 21st
Yesterday we invited our parents to come into our classes to see our lovely leaflets of Wales and welcomed them with a nice Welshcake. As the parents wandered around the classroom to see our amazing progress, we showed our classmates our own leaflets and compared them, complimenting each other’s skills and designs.
Storey Arms 2024
Members of Year 6 accompanied Mr Knight and Mrs Dawe to the Storey Arms in the Brecon Beacons. Over the three days we tackled activities and challenges such as:
Gorge Walking,
String Trails,
Blind tunnel walk.
Enjoy the pictures!!
Dog Safety visit with Claire from Dogs Trust
Claire from Dogs Trust came to visit us today to teach us all about how to safely approach, communicate and interact with both dogs we do and do not know! We also investigated the ABCS of dog safety!
Welsh cake and Wander - Diolch yn fawr to all the parents who visited our class to see the amazing work the children have produced. Diolch yn fawr for the welsh cakes Mrs Evans!
Weekly Wonders 15.03.24
Journalist: Bushra (Dosbarth Llwyfen)
March 8th
Our class walked all the way to the National Cardiff Museum for their school trip. Our legs were aching, but it sure was fun! We explored the museum for our new topic “Cymru Am Byth.” and we got to learn about some famous artists expressing their habitats through their work. We soon had to walk back, but as a little treat, we stopped in Bute Park to play a little game of rounders.
March 11th
In our school, some children have started fasting for Ramadan. Some found it a little tricky and others found it easier than expected. They had a big meal beforehand early in the morning to get them prepared for the rest of the day, which sounds a bit tiring if I’m honest! Imagine waking up at four in the morning? Doesn’t sound enjoyable!
March 14th
Our class have finished their leaflets about Wales! Using persuasive language to attract people to their three chosen areas in Wales with great descriptive information. We have designed our leaflets amazingly, including helpful Welsh phrases tourists might need if they came to have a look around.
Cardiff City Football Club Foundation
This half term our context for learning is called “Stargazers" this will focus upon the final frontier, space! Join our learning journey as we Navigate beyond the Sun, the magnificent, blazing star at the centre of our Solar System. Investigate the eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Take a look at the Moon, a celestial body that orbits Earth. Compare the different phases of the moon and lunar cycle. Discover and learn about the contributions of "hidden figures" and famous scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. Explore the 88 constellations in the sky and the meanings behind them. Then it's time to get messy, we are going to investigate gravity...
Bullies Out
Global Family of Cricket Project
Year 6 Welsh Water Hailey Park Art Project
Happy New Year
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Winter Ball Fun
Future Cricket Stars
Visit to Glamorgan Cricket
Royal Navy visit - year 6
Songwriting Doctor
Meeting a Welsh author - Karla Brading
Shoctober - Welsh Ambulance Service
Cardiff Met Archers - Meet the players!
Numeracy for Life - Tax Facts Workshop
PC Rachel - Antibullying - Be Cyber Safe!
Gabalfa Youth Club - Year 6 Every Monday 4:15
Introducing our Place2Be buddies!
Each year our Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to become a Place2Be buddy. Our buddies will be working alongside Miss Thomas and will have important responsibilities such as: helping their peers to find support, working alongside Miss Thomas to deliver class and small sessions and helping organise and deliver Place2Be events!
Football kit launch!
Members of our Year 5 and 6 classes helped launch our new girl’s football team kits in our celebration assembly on Friday!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Some of our fantastic Year 5 and 6 pupils helped our staff team deliver a fantastic coffee morning to raise funds for Macmillan! In total we raised over £500!
South Wales Transport Police Visit
Years 5 and 6 were very lucky to have a visit from South Wales Transport Police. We learnt all about rail safety and some strategies to stay safe at level crossings, platforms and footpaths! We know now have to stay rail safe!
Safety talk from the Railway Police
Check out our trip to Big Pit!
Mining Timelines!
Dosbarth Llwyfen have been identifying and chronologically ordering important events in Welsh mining history! We used our numeracy and collaboration skills to complete this challenge!
Black Gold
How has the coal industry impacted the development of Cardiff and South Wales?
What is the future of energy production?
Dosbarth Llwyfen will be exploring these questions and more during our project about the coal industry and its impact on the towns and valleys of Wales.
Previous year's fun 2022-2023
Fun and Fitness Week
Fun and Fitness - Table Tennis @walesTT
Fun and Fitness - Squash @sqwales
Fun and Fitness - Cricket @Glamcommunity
Congratulations to our Year 6 swimmers
I Like to Move It!
This half term our context for learning is called "I Like to Move it!
Pupils will learn about how humans have travelled over time and why, with reference to Patagonia.
We will be answering our big questions:
How has migration shaped Wales?
How might future human movement affect Cardiff and our local area?
Circuit Training - developing stamina and determination
DT - Balloon Car Challenge!
This week, Mrs Prescott and Mrs Sandford set year 5 and 6 a design technology challenge. They had to use a range of skills including sawing, measuring and problem solving to create a balloon powered vehicle! Here are some of the highlights!
British Sign Language and Life Saving.
Today we took part in two amazing workshops! First, we worked with Del to learn some of the basics of British Sign Language. We took part in a performance of “Stand by me”. Then we learnt some very important life saving skills. We even got to practice how to administer CPR!
Singing and Signing - thankyou Mr Knight for the sideways video (ha ha)
Life Saving Skills
Storey Arms 2023
Our Year 6 learners pushed themselves to the absolute limit whilst at the Storey Arms! They took part in lots of outdoor activities such as caving, gorge walking and perhaps most importantly a range team building exercises!
Rugby with Coach Tavner from Whitchurch
Microbit Mayhem!
Our year 5 and 6 learners have been developing their coding skills by programming Microbits! We have completed a range of projects including: making fitbits, creating animations and even creating our own pet hamsters!
Programming Microbits
Cardiff Met Archers assembly - Don't forget to request your free tickets for the game this weekend (January 21st)
Miss Harding's English group visited the Hyb to search for 'Frozen Kingdom' books.
Happy New Year 2023
Year 4, 5 and 6 Christmas Concert
Exploring and creating with Garage Band
Ukulele fun with Larry the Songwriting Doctor
Congratulations to the November WOW tracker badge winners!
Yr6 Anti-Bullying talk with PC Rachel
Yr5 Anti-Bullying BBC Teach Live Lesson
Odd Socks Day to launch Anti-Bullying Week
A Child's War - Context celebration
Check Google Classroom for photos and videos of our end of context celebration.
The children thoroughly enjoyed having their families, friends, guardians and carers there. As always, the children were fantastic. Thank you so much for coming.
A Child's War End of Context Celebration!
Our fantastic pupils put on a show to remember for our parents and guardians to celebrate our learning throughout the context of "A Child's War". We performed some songs and even got our parents and carers to practise some Charleston moves!
Check out our dance moves - 'Strictly, here we come!'
Yr6 Technocamps - Lego We Do
Yr6 Technocamps - Lego We Do
Make Do and Mend with Miss Dando
Congratulations to the October WOW tracker badge winners
Trip to the Royal Welsh Regimental Museum in Brecon - Part 1
Trip to the Royal Welsh Regimental Museum - Part 2
Trip to the Royal Welsh Regimental Museum - Part 3
Creating timelines of important events in World War 2
Buddhism with Miss Dando
Can you send a coded message? First you have to create a circuit!
I made a circuit. - Owen
It was difficult to make the light bulb glow because we had to connect all the components. - Acacia
It was a bit tricky. - Roman
We used a buzzer to send a message. - Louis
It was easy to write a message in Morse Code. - Mason
We could send messages easily but it was very difficult to understand the message. - Reehan
Welcoming King Charles III to Llandaff!
Years 5 and 6 accompanied Mrs Jenkins, Miss Caroline and Mr Knight to Llandaff to welcome King Charles III as part of his coronation tour!
UNCRC - Discussing Children's Rights
Find out what learning experiences we intend to have this term by reading our curriculum news!
Even more fun 2021-2022