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Ysgol GynraddGABALFAPrimary School

Llywodraethwyr/ Governors

Governors' Annual Report to Parents 2022-23

Members of the Governing Body

October 2024



Local Authority governors

Cllr D. Ali

Dr. T. Woolley


Mr L. Maxim (VICE CHAIR)

Mrs. C. Mason



Community governors

Mr. S. Baston

Mr. P. Thomas

Mr. M. Roberts

Ms C. Hollings


Parent governors

Mr. C. Jones (CHAIR)

Mr. T. Parry-Owens

Mr. D. Hunter

Mr S. Turley

Mrs. A. Perkins


Staff governors

Mrs. C. Jenkins (Headteacher)

Mrs. S. Dawe (Teacher)

Mr. L. Knight (Teacher)

Mrs. A. Evans (Non-teaching)



Mrs. N. Rees (Deputy Headteacher)

Miss A. Harding (ALNCo)


Clerk to the governing body

Ms. A. Marks








Governor roles in other educational establishments

  • Mr L. Maxim is a governor at Trelai Primary School