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Gabalfa Primary School home page

Ysgol GynraddGABALFAPrimary School

Cerien (Rowan)

Croeso i Dosbarth Cerien

Welcome to Dosbarth Cerien



We are a class of 31 wonderful children who love learning!


Our class teachers are Miss Dando and Miss Wilsher.

Miss Dando teaches us on Mondays and Tuesdays and

Miss Wilsher teaches us on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


We are very lucky to have Miss Taylor to help us with our learning.  


This term our context for learning is 'Magical Mysterious Wales'

We have some big questions to answer:

What is a myth?   

What is a legend?   

How have myths and legends framed the culture of Wales? 

How can we use our knowledge and experiences of Wales to create modern myths? 



Like always, keep your eyes peeled on our web page to see what we get up to. We've got lots of exciting things in store for the children. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays, please make sure your child wears their PE kit to school on those days.  


We have lots of fun things planned for this term so keep checking our page to see what we get up to! :)

Our football skills are improving!

We have been using clocks and games to learn to tell the time.

We have been painting in the style of Kyffin Williams using tone and texture. Can you spot Gelert and any familiar Welsh landscapes?

We love our new context for learning and have loved hearing new Myths and Legends. Check out our photos from our drama session linked to the Lady of the Lake.

Problem solving and reasoning- What should Bertie Bee take on holiday and why?

Welsh dancing: Jac y Do.

We worked as a team to bake shortbread cookies to sell at our Winter Fayre.

Mrs Sandford came to show us some of her Roman pottery.

We took part in a 'Diversity and Me' workshop led by Big Foot.

Making up our own Roman soldier group dances.


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Happy Diwali from Dosbarth Cerien. We made Ganesh decorations with bright colours and patterns.

Coding a Beebot to find and repair blockages with Dwr Cymru.

We had a workshop from Techno Camps and followed instructions to make a robot jump.

Joining other schools in a Jambori was lots of fun. We joined in with singing lots of songs in Welsh.

We have been playing games to develop our spoken Welsh.

Daily Welsh

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We have been using tesserae and our knowledge of symmetry and patterns to become mosaic masters!

We used our Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths skills to collaborate to make and test the strength of bridges.

Testing our bridges

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In maths we have been comparing measurements using our number knowledge.

We have been learning about Ganesh and made our own elephant masks.

PE-developing our balance and flexibility in gymnastics.

In Geography we have been finding continents, countries and cities. We linked this to our context by finding where the Romans came from.

Sponsored Bounce!

We had lots of fun at Caerleon. We explored the Roman Baths, amphitheatre, museum and barrack room.

We have enjoyed asking questions to find out about life in the Roman times. We participated in workshops and have been weaving and investigating mosaics.

Maths-We have been setting ourselves targets to develop our number knowledge and learn our times tables. We have also been exploring and making patterns as part of Mosaic Masters.

Literacy. We have been talking, reading and writing to get to know our friends and teachers.

Developing our fine motor skills. We have been threading, building and making jewellery, which has been lots of fun!

Exploring digital photography. We learnt how to take clear portraits and edited them, making sure we saved them so they didn't get lost!

Our first day in Year 3!

Last year's fun 2023-2024

Our last day in Year 3

Magical Mysterious Wales Curriculum News

Cardiff Blues Rugby session

Using our knowledge of predators to create a branching key. We used our scientific vocabulary to sort animals and turned it into a game!

Developing our Welsh language skills through games and talking partners.

Coding predators to hunt their prey.

Express Yourself Day: 26th April 2024

Should Zoos exist? This is the big question we have been discussing in Dosbarth Cerien.

We enjoyed reading 'The Lion Inside' by Rachel Bright. We developed our oracy skills through drama! We love hotseating characters and role playing different situations.

We listened to a podcast called 'Audiomoves at the Zoo'. We really enjoyed listening to the lion episode and moving like a lion.

We had a visit from Dogs Trust and we learnt how to stay safe around dogs.

We have been finding out where our food comes from and how many air miles it takes for different fruits to reach us.

We have been busy developing our outdoor area through planting seeds, bulbs and plants.

We have been making Scrumdidlyumptious Smoothies and turning our photos into adverts!

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus